By Decree of the Minister of Education and Science from 29.07.2016 the new specialty 7620102 “Supported Employment consultant”– third degree of professional qualification has been added to the profession 762010 “Mediator of the labor market” in the List of professions for vocational education and training (LPVET).

According to the Employment Promotion Act the “Supported employment” means providing assistance to unemployed persons with permanent disabilities and unemployed from other disadvantaged groups in the labor market, according to their specific needs to benefit from unsubsidized employment.” The inclusion of the specialty in the LPVET will allow to the VET centers in Bulgaria to offer and conduct trainings in this specific area and to deliver officially recognized certificates on its practice. For the purpose of developing a state educational standard for qualification in the new profession the project results from the training modules will be used.

This will create conditions for profiling of the individuals who prepare themselves for labor mediators so they could continue their studies in the second specialty, acquiring specific competencies in the field of Supported Employment.

The idea is to provide an integrated social service, including five main stages: Selection and engagement of the direct beneficiaries of the service; Customer profile/ preparation of an action plan; Professional orientation; Searching and finding a job and involvement of the employer; Support at and outside the workplace/ career development.

The Supported Employment consultant pays particular attention to the psychological aspect of the service and expresses professional interest with a focus on individual attitudes and motivation of disabled people.