investing in career guidance

A brochure entitled “Investing in Career Guidance” is available in collaboration with the European center for the development of vocational training CEDEFOP, the Organization for economic co-operation and development (OECD), the European Commission, the European training Foundation (ETF), the International labor organization and UNESCO.

The brochure directs the attention to the importance of career guidance when people of all ages choose the right training and profession for them. Career guidance services help people in defining better their ambitions, interests and skills in order to decide how to use them best in their lives and jobs.

The past months of instability and risk of unemployment put on focus the need for effective implementation of career guidance. Globalization, demographic trends and the growing efforts to create greener economies are changing the nature of the skills searched on the labor market. Career guidance plays essential role in recovery plans and in helping people of all ages and with different previous experiences to cope with the dynamics of change. Not only the unemployed persons need career guidance, but also workers who are planning to change their jobs. Innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship can be stimulated when the vocational guidance is of high quality.

The material points out a number of good practices in vocational guidance of young people and adults. Vocational guidance centers in Egypt help young people in gaining access to skills-related training, organize job fairs where they facilitate direct contact with employers. In South Africa, a weekly live radio broadcast is available in the 10 official languages, which provides career guidance and reaches people of all ages from the most remote areas. Austria has developed a special vocational guidance program for adults with health problems, aimed at providing measures in accordance with their needs.

Retraining is more and more frequently considered inseparable part of career. The rate of job change is accelerating significantly due to the increased digitalization and the pandemic.

Research shows that most people find career guidance a helpful ally when choosing the right education or job. However, according to a large study in Europe, only one in four adults has ever used a career guidance service.

The full text of the publication is available in English here:

Note: In Bulgaria, vocational guidance services are available by the Centers for information and vocational guidance licensed by NAVET. The public register with data about them is on the following link: