There were announced the winners of the competition for good practices in administration, organized by the Institute of Public Administration, on an official ceremony on December13,2019. Participation in the competition took 40 practices in three categories: People management, Technological decisions for good management and Social responsibility.

NAVET has participated with the web-based module for verification of Certificates for Professional Qualification, which helps optimizing the process of preliminary verification of the issued by CVT documents before their registration on the “Register of issued documents”.

NAVET has been ranked first in the “Technological decision for good management” category. The award was accepted by Ms Emiliyana Dimitrova – Chairperson of NAVET. The first award in “People management”category was granted to Kyustendil Municipality for “Organizational culture, publicity and human resources management actions, and development of possible career paths” category. The winner in “Social responsibility” category is Regional environmental and water inspectorate – Smolyan, with the good practice “Improvement of the environmental awareness and culture of the different society groups”.