On June 18, 2019, in Sofia, it was organised National ReferNet conference, according to role of NAVET as Bulgaria’s representative in European Network for Vocational Education and Training – ReferNet.
The event was officially opened by Mrs. Tanya Mihailova, deputy minister of education and science.
The conference was attended by representatives of Ministry of education and science, Ministry of labor and social policy, vocational high schools, vocational training centers, NGOs, representatives of employers’ and employees’ organisations.
The participants received information for the role and activities of European Center for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP) and the European Network for Exchange of Vocational Education and Training (ReferNet). There was a presentation for access to topical reports, analyses, research published on CEDEFOP and ReferNet websites. The attendees received useful information for effects of ECVET recommendation execution on national VET system.
The invited speakers presented the impact of artificial intelligence in development of career orientation tools. New virtual game for career orientation in professions of the future was demonstrated.