1. Issues and revokes licenses for vocational training and vocational guidance. NAVET issues duplicates of licenses in cases of lost, destroyed or unused originals. The process follows an order, determined in the regulations of NAVET’s activities.
2. Maintains control and supervision over the activities and performs assessment of the quality of training in the licensed institutions in the system of professional training.
3. Develops and proposes to the Minister of Education and Science for approval:
(a) List of the professions for vocational education and training
b) State educational standards for acquiring professional qualification
4. Participates directly in the development of state educational standards and documents in the system of public education (elaboration of the ordinances under art. 17c, para. 2 and Art. 34, para. 1) and takes part in the assessment system related to the vocational education and training.
5. Makes proposals for improvement of the system of vocational education and training, based on analysis of the activities of the vocational training centers and the centers for information and vocational guidance.
6. Assigns the conduction and implementation of scientific research in the field of vocational education, training and orientation.
7. Coordinates the activities for devising strategies for improvement of the vocational education and training.
8. Contributes to the international recognition of documents for vocational education and training.
9. Creates and maintains registers of the vocational training centers, the centers for information and vocational guidance and of the issued and revoked licenses.
10. Makes and keeps the registers of the following certificates: of vocational qualification, of vocational training, for validation of vocational qualification and for validation of vocational qualification on part of a profession. These are documents under art. 38 and Art. 40, issued by vocational training centers.
11. Specifies the indicators used to provide annual information from licensed centers for fulfilled work during the previous calendar year under Article 22, paragraph 8 of VETA (implemented training courses and reports for quality self-assessment).
12. Designs and approves forms and templates of documents for licensing.
13. Provides methodological support to the vocational training centers performing validation of professional knowledge, skills and competences in the vocational education and training system.