Expanding the opportunities for acquiring qualification by professions with fourth degree of vocational qualification (EQF level 5), increasing the number of hours for practical training and orientation of vocational training to the regional needs of the business sector are part of the changes in the Vocational Education and Training Act (VET Act) taken as a result of updates in the structure of the educational system in Bulgaria.

Since 2016 the secondary education in Bulgaria, according to the Law on the Preschool and School Education, is divided into two stages – first (grade 8, 9 and 10) and second (11th and 12th grade) as the professional preparation is carried out mainly in the second stage, like in the most part of the European countries. This required changes in all legal documents incl. those which regulate vocational education and training system.

With the amendments to the VET Act, entry into force from 08.01.2016, were changed the rules for disclosure and operation of the vocational colleges, in which in Bulgaria is carried out training for acquiring qualification in professions with EQF level 5- for example Freight forwarder, Computer networks designer, Aviation technician, Tourist guide, Dangerous goods transport consultant, Fitness instructor and others. The requested needs of the business from persons with qualification at this level are expected to require inclusion of some new professions in the List of professions for vocational education and training (LPVET). Until now the vocational colleges, which can be state, municipal or private, have not been a preferred place for acquiring qualification and the number of their trainees is relatively low.

According to the amended VET Act the municipalities will now have a crucial role in the opening, transformation, change and closure of vocational colleges, and will take an active role in their management, which is expected to lead to a more explicit link with the needs of local businesses. The training period in college is two years and 50% of the hours are provided for practical training.

There is also an increase of the responsibility of the line ministries, municipalities, organizations of employers, organizations of workers and employees at national level and sectoral trade union organizations, on the one hand in determining the intake of students in vocational gymnasiums, and on the other hand concerning the implementation of the dual form of training, which become more and more popular in Bulgaria.

The recent changes in the VET Act generally create prerequisites for improving the quality of professional preparation through a change in the balance between theoretical and practical training in favor of the practice, including this in a real working environment. They regulate the establishment and maintenance of registers of issued documents for qualification and the procedure for access to them, which is of significant benefit to the employers.