The new profession “Freight forwarder” was added in the List of professions for vocational education and training (LPVET), maintained by the National Agency for Vocational Education and Training.

 The profession “Freight forwarder” is included in professional field “Transport services” from the LPVET and has two specialities – EQF/NQF* level 4 and 5.

The professional competences of level 4 are related to freight forwarding, transport and warehouse logistic. The competences of level 5 build them up with knowledge and skills for planning and managing the logistical processes.

The profession includes a wide range of competences related to the overall management of the supply chain. The freight forwarder will be trained to contract insurance for cargoes and will gain knowledge and skills in the transport of dangerous ones, while respecting international treaties. It is necessary for him to work with specialized forwarding software and to have foreign language skills to communicate and collaborate with foreign colleagues. In his work he will carry out logistics for land, sea and air transport, will develop individual logistics solutions and will offer alternatives.

The proposal for the including in the List of this profession in Bulgaria is initiated by the Bulgarian Association for Freight Forwarding, Transport and Logistics. According to the National Statistical Institute, in Bulgaria operate 1496 enterprises with total over 3000 employees, performing the work activities of “Freight forwarder”. The need for the acquisition of vocational qualification in this profession at international level is confirmed by the European Association for Forwarding, Transport, Logistics and Customs Services (CLECAT) – in the European market forwarders organize 65% of the land freight, 95% of the air freight and 65% of freights by sea.

At the next stage for ensuring the quality of vocational training, the National Agency for Vocational Education and Training will develop the educational standard for acquisition of vocational qualification in this profession. It will meet the Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 June 2009 on the establishment of a European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) and will be developed in units of learning outcomes. This approach aims to provide the possibility for qualification recognition by European countries and to promote the mobility of freight forwarders.

After the development of the educational standard and the curriculum, those who want to train in the new profession will be able to do it in centers for vocational training and in vocational high schools for the speciality of level 4 and in vocational colleges for the speciality of level 5. Learners will acquire a certificate of professional qualification for “Freight forwarder” or a vocational training certificate when the training is performed only for a part of the profession.

*EQF/NQFEuropean Qualification Framework / National Qualification Framework