лого програма Леонардо да Винчи

лого програма Леонардо да ВинчиFooDrinks – Quality Food&Drink European Training Plan

The project aims the development of a partners network of European organizations with a target the improvement the quality of education and employability of students and trainees as technician/technologist in food&drink quality control and safety, improving the standard for acquiring professional qualification and the VET programmes.

The partners network

1. Bulgaria – National Agency for Vocational Education and Training
2. Spain -Intercoop Foundation, Almassora
3. Hungary – Károly Róbert University College, Gyongyos
4. France – Association Nationales des Industries, Alimentaires, Paris
5. Romania – University “Vasile Alecsandri” of Bacău
6. Turkey – Agriculture Chamber of Mersin
7. Greece – Agronomists Association of Kavala

Silent Partnerships

Bulgarian Association of Meat Processers
Bulgarian Union of the Processors of Fruit and Vegetables
Club de marketing de la Rioja – Spain
Agricultural Association Union of Kavala
Chamber of Kavala
Main Objective

Improving the quality of education and employability of students and trainees as technician/technologist in food&drink quality control and safety, improving the standard for acquiring professional qualification and the VET programmes.

Specific Objectives

Adapting the standard for professional qualification in the Technician/technologist in food&drink quality control and safety profession to the real needs of employers
Developing training modules based on the standard “learning outcomes” oriented, that are flexible and create opportunities to use training paths leading to acquisition of the professional qualification, according to the needs of the labour market
Preparing methodological guidelines for developing training modules oriented to “learning outcomes” for training institutions for initial and continuing vocational training
Enriching and complementing the methodology for the development of professional standards in order to increase transparency of qualifications and achieve better compliance with the real needs of employers
Ensuring the flexibility of the training modules so as to provide opportunities for students/trainees to use different training and qualifications paths

1. Defining final tools needs to create and formalised a Training Programme in Food&Drink Quality control and safety, in order to define common criteria to test around Europe
2. Report from results of analysis existing systems for training in Quality control and food safety in partner countries
3. Report about identified competencies at European Level concerning the training of persons associated with the operational processes of monitoring, control and management of good practices systems, safety and quality of production.
4. Defining the training modules based on the revised amended standards oriented to learning outcomes
5. Developing two sample modules to acquire of the Qualification. These two sample modules will be determined among the partners based on European and common interest and the results of the two previously reports
6. Organising a European Seminar among partners, silent partners and professional training of the VETsystem to valorise the training modules and to disseminate and reflect about the new competences and skills
7. Reports-Conclusions Document from technical seminar held with VET professional to analyse and valorise the training modules drafted
8. ICT platform to share training documents, methodological guidelines for the VET professionals
European Added Value
1. Strength links between training and business in Food sector combining innovation, transnationality, bottom-up approach
2. Improve the capacity of VET to respond to the changing requirements of the labour market


About the project: FooDrinks – Quality Food&Drink European Training Plan



Flyer- FooDrinks


RollUp Foodrinks

Template for competences description for professional qualification „Technician/technologist in food&drink quality control and safety”


Dissemination Activities











Kick off meeting, Sofia, Bulgaria-29-30.09.2011

Second partners’ meeting, Castellón, Spain, 24-25 January 2012


Third partners’ meeting, Mersin, Turkey, 24-25 April 2012


Fourth partners’ meeting, Paris, France, 10-12 September 2012